Saturday, March 25, 2006

Fair Share Vote-University of Akron PASSES!!

Fair Share Passes!

March 24, 1006

Here's the text of a joint Akron-AAUP/University of Akron statement:

Fair Share Fee Referendum Results

For the past three days, University of Akron faculty who are members of the bargaining unit were voting to determine whether or not there should be a “fair share representation fee” charged for those faculty who are not members of the Akron-AAUP – the exclusive bargaining agent for all bargaining unit faculty.

During this election 450 out of 643 bargaining unit members (70%) voted in the election. There were 313 YES votes cast (70% of the total), and 137 NO votes cast (30% of the total).

Thus, the fair share fee referendum PASSES. Details regarding the implementation of the fair share fee are forthcoming.

The University of Akron

The FAQs at the University of Akron AAUP site regarding Fair Share provide rationale for membership.

What is Fair Share?
Most universities in Ohio with faculty representation (all except Cincinnati) have a provision in their collective bargaining agreement that requires non-union members to pay their “fair share” of the costs of bargaining and enforcing the agreement. Currently, Akron-AAUP does not have a Fair Share (representation) fee in place. That means that all of the costs of negotiating our first contract, paying legal fees, filing and pursuing the unfair labor practice charges with SERB, and paying for our share of the fact-finding costs were borne by half the faculty, your colleagues, who are currently Akron-AAUP members. Our first contract guarantees a vote of all members of the bargaining unit (Akron-AAUP members and non-members alike) on whether or not faculty who are not Akron-AAUP members will be required to pay a Fair Share fee for the services provided.

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