Thursday, April 06, 2006

Indianapolis-Marion County PL Staff May Seek Union; Director Rejects Raise

An update on Indianapolis-Marion County from Library Journal:
Although a 2004 study by the AFL-CIO revealed that union librarians earn an average of 31 percent more than nonunion librarians, it's not all dollars and cents, the rank and file say they're disgruntled with the shifting of the collection towards entertainment, with new DVD purchases outnumbering books. Meanwhile, Mielke declined a 4% pay raise offered by the board, saying that it "sends the wrong message" when the library has suffered a budget freeze that canceled a scheduled 2% raise for staffers.

Indianapolis-Star reporter Brendan O'Shaughnessy reported earlier in the week: "Latest plot twist? Talk of a union: Low morale spurs effort to organize employees."

Also reported at the AFSCME website.

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