Saturday, June 24, 2006

Negotating for a First Time Contract for Librarians & Archivists at the University of Western Ontario

Librarians and Archivists Represented by UWOFA, Western's approximately 55 librarians and archivists continue to negotiate for a first contract.

UWOFA President Jane Toswell says following a large number of negotiating sessions in May and June, negotiations appear to be improving though "it's too early to say whether they are going well or not."

"Both sides are seeking agreement on the major issues of workload, appointments, academic freedom and promotion and tenure," she says. "A lot of work is being done at the table."

Administration representative Malcolm Ruddock says the negotiating teams have met for the equivalent of more than 10 full days since May 1 and have made progress on several issues.

"We continue to work toward a first collective agreement," says Ruddock. "The administration is hopeful an agreement can be achieved soon and remains committed to negotiating toward that goal."

University of Western Ontario Faculty Association


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