Thursday, July 20, 2006

Indianapolis -Plans for Informational Picket

In a story about the progress of the new library building WTHR Indianapolis reports:

While the proposed budget includes a one-percent pay raise for most employees, it also asks them to help cover higher health care premiums. As the board holds a public hearing Thursday, some employees will hold signs.

"I think they're concerned, they're concerned about their jobs and the future of the library," said David Warrick, AFSCME executive director.

Warrick says a majority of eligible employees want to unionize and they want the board's attention. They plan to picket before the meeting. "They feel they don't have a voice, they're kept in the dark. They feel like they're disrespected and they want a voice at the table," said Warrick.

For more details on the demonstration go to a website created by employees of the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library who are on the organizing committee dedicated to creating a collective bargaining unit through AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, at IMCPL.

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