Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Librarians & Archivists Struggle -University of Western Ontario

Librarians List Subject: CAUT 2009 Librarians Conference: resolution in support of University of Western Ontario Faculty Association UWOFA-LA.

To: Members of the CAUTLib list
From: F. Holyoke, Chair, CAUT Librarians Committee
Re: Librarians and Archivists at the University of Western Ontario

The participants of the 2009 Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) CAUT Librarians Conference extend their solidarity to the Librarians and Archivists at the University of Western Ontario.

The employer's attempt to de-professionalize the Librarians and Archivists at the University of Western Ontario, is an assault on the teaching and research activity that defines the university community. We call on the employer to commence serious and good faith negotiations to resolve disputes currently on the table, and to restore to Librarians and Archivists appropriate and meaningful terms and conditions of employment.

This resolution was passed unanimously by the 80 plus conference attendees from academic libraries in every province.

On the floor of the conference a number of delegates suggested additional parties to whom the resolution should be sent so the final list will be longer. A preliminary list of recipients appears below.

University Librarian
UWO BoG Chair
Canadian Library Association (CLA) President
CLA Executive Director
Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA)
Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) President
CARL Executive Director
cc: UWOFA President
UWOFA L&A Chief negotiator
CLA Executive members

Check the UWOFA website for additional information.

CAUT Librarians Committee

Francesca Holyoke (University of New Brunswick), Chair
Betty Jeffery (University of Prince Edward Island)
Michael Skelton (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Chris Adams (University of Saskatchewan)
Margaret Law (University of Alberta)
Suzanne L. O'Neill (Fanshawe College)
Meg Raven (Mount Saint Vincent University)
Sam Trosow (University of Western Ontario)

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