Monday, November 09, 2009

Toronto Public Library Agreement Heads Off Strike


”We are going to have a number of part-time jobs that are going to be converted to full-time jobs over the life of Collective Agreement," said Bargaining committee chair, Maureen O'Reilly," we have a new three-year Collective Agreement which will now expire at Dec. 31, 2011 and we were able to get some significant improvement in benefits to our part-time workers.”

More full-time jobs and better parental leave are part of a tentative agreement between Toronto Public Library and its 2,400 unionized workers--Toronto Public Library Workers Union (TPLWU) CUPE 4948.
The settlement was reached Wednesday, heading off a strike or lockout that could have started Nov. 9.

Details of the agreement between the library and the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 4948 weren't released before a ratification vote, which will be held some time next week.

Bargaining committee chair Maureen O'Reilly said relying on part-time workers and automated checkouts compromises service for both library workers and patrons. Following the lead of the Good Jobs campaign this summer by the LCBO union, the library union's approach focused on job quality for the female-dominated workforce.

O'Reilly said that part-time workers often juggle multiple jobs while waiting the five or six years it takes to secure a full-time library position. "It's about the nature of the work at Toronto Public Library," she said.


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