Friday, November 13, 2009

Toronto Public Library Workers Union (TPLWU) ratify new collective agreement

Toronto Public Library Workers Union (TPLWU) ratify new collective agreement.

TORONTO, Ont. – The Toronto Public Library Workers Union (TPLWU) CUPE 4948 has ratified their first collective agreement.

“We negotiated a settlement that addressed all of our main issues: full-time jobs, fairness to part-time workers, the quality of public library services and career development opportunities; and, health and safety concerns around violence in the workplace,” said Maureen O’Reilly, chair of the bargaining committee.

“In addition we were able to achieve historic gains in the area of pregnancy and parental leave and a more equitable share of benefits costs for our part-time workers. These gains are especially significant for a female dominated workplace with a bargaining unit of almost 50 per cent part-time workers.”

The 96 per cent ratification vote supports and recognizes those achievements.

"This agreement will provide a strong base for all public library workers across Ontario, and indeed Canada, to move forward with their concerns and get them addressed,” O’Reilly continued. “This will result in a better library service in all of our communities which is so vital for so many Canadians today."


For further information, contact:

Maureen O’Reilly, Bargaining Chair, CUPE 4948: 647-206-7457

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