"The librarians at McMaster University (Hamilton, ON) have broken off from the faculty association to form their own union. On February 10, they filed with the Ontario Labour Relations Board for certification, followed by a majority vote last week in favor of the certification. The new association is called the McMaster University Academic Librarian Association (MUALA)."
Momentum for the vote seems to have stemmed at least in part from two controversial layoffs of librarians in the Spring of 2009. In particular, one librarian's position was "declared redundant a week before the beginning of her approved [research] leave," according to a letter from three members of the faculty association, including its president, John Berlinsky.
The letter condemns the university's action, and calls "the nature of the termination to be outrageous and the decision itself ill-considered." (A Facebook group includes the letter, as well as other links.)
[Thanks to BGS].
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