Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hotels: Do Not Patronize List; Labor Clauses

Midwinter 2011, draft resolutions for ALA Council as posted to ALA Council List by Resolutions Chair, Larry Romans.

Draft Resolution : Hotel 1: Do Not Patronize List

WHEREAS, In 2009, approximately 24.9% of librarians were union members, approximately 23.7% of library technicians were union members, and approximately 19% of other education, training, and library workers were union members (Bureau of National Affairs, op. cit., Table 8a);
WHEREAS, The American Library Association (ALA), in principal, recognizes the right of library employees to organize and bargain collectively with their employers (ALA Policy 54.11, “Collective Bargaining”);
WHEREAS, The ALA’s essential set of core values for its librarian members include working for “The Public Good” and “Social Responsibility” (ALA Policy 40.1, “Core Values of Librarianship”);
WHEREAS, There is considerable public good and social responsibility in the fair treatment of workers and their families.
WHEREAS, Workers at union establishments, including union hotels, are far more likely than their non-union counterparts to be paid a living wage, to receive employer-paid family medical benefits, and to enjoy freedom from work-related illness and injuries (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, Union Members Summary, 2009; National Compensation Survey: Employee Benefits in the United States, March 2009, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 2009. Bulletin 2731);
WHEREAS, The sites of labor disputes and picket lines are likely to be disruptive for many ALA members, which could prevent those members from participating in conventions and exhibitions, major meetings, and other organizational activities;
WHEREAS, The First Amendment protects the right of an association and its members to support a union’s request for a boycott;
WHEREAS, Many library employees believe very strongly in the right of workers to organize, picket, and strike and consequently need advance notice of labor disputes so that they do not plan to attend ALA events at a hotel that is on a “Do Not Patronize” list; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the ALA, to the extent known, will inform attendees of conferences and exhibitions if a hotel is on the “Do Not Patronize” list of the local labor body during an ALA event, or is the object of a boycott because of the unfair labor practices of the hotel.
Sponsor: SRRT (The official movers and seconders have not been named)
Co-sponsors: AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee on Library Service to Labor Groups
Endorsed in principle:
Final version, __/__/____.

Larry Romans,
Head, Government Information and Media Services;
Political Science and Communication Studies Bibliographer.
Vanderbilt University Libraries,
American Library Association

Open for discussion:

Draft Resolution : Hotel 2: Labor Clauses
December 10, 2010.

> WHEREAS, In 2009, approximately 24.9% of librarians were
> union members, approximately 23.7% of library technicians were union
> members, and approximately 19% of other education, training, and
> library workers were union members (Bureau of National Affairs, op.
> cit., Table 8a);
> WHEREAS, The American Library Association's (ALA)
> recognizes the right of library employees to organize and bargain
> collectively with their employers (ALA Policy 54.11, "Collective
> Bargaining");
> WHEREAS, The ALA's essential set of core values for its
> librarian members include working for "The Public Good" and "Social
> Responsibility" (ALA Policy 40.1, "Core Values of Librarianship");
> WHEREAS, There is considerable public good and social
> responsibility in the fair treatment of workers and their families.
> WHEREAS, Workers at union establishments, including union hotels,
> are far more likely than their non-union counterparts to be paid a
> living wage, to receive employer-paid family medical benefits, and to
> enjoy freedom from work-related illness and injuries (Bureau of Labor
> Statistics, Department of Labor, Union Members Summary, 2009;
> National Compensation Survey: Employee Benefits in the United States,
> March 2009, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor
> Statistics, September 2009. Bulletin 2731);
> WHEREAS, Non-union hotels are more likely to be the site of
> labor disputes and picket lines, which is likely to be disruptive for
> many ALA members, and which could prevent those members from
> participating in conventions and exhibitions, major meetings, and
> other organizational activities;
> WHEREAS, The First Amendment protects the right of an
> association and its members to support a union's request for a
> boycott;
> WHEREAS, Many library employees strongly support the right
> of workers to organize, and are themselves union members who would
> vastly prefer to patronize union hotels; now, therefore, be it
> RESOLVED, That the ALA:
> 1. Will inquire as to the union status of hotels at the time of
> booking and the expiration date of any collective bargaining
> agreements at the hotel, and require that the hotel provide updates
> regarding the start of any future collective bargaining discussions;
> 2. To the extent feasible, will make every effort to use as main
> convention hotels only those in which a majority of the hourly
> workforce is represented by one or more labor unions; and
> 3. To the extent feasible, will insert a clause in its
> contracts with hotels asserting the right to cancel its contract to
> use a hotel if that hotel is placed on the "Do Not Patronize" list by
> the local labor body, or is the site of a boycott, because of unfair
> labor practices, called by an organization which represents, or is
> seeking to represent, the hotel's employees.
> Sponsor: SRRT (The official movers and seconders have not been named)
> Co-sponsors: AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee on Library Service to Labor Groups
> Endorsed in principle:
> Final version, __/__/____.
> Larry Romans,
> Head, Government Information and Media Services;
> Political Science and Communication Studies Bibliographer.
> Vanderbilt University Libraries,
> Nashville, TN 37203-2427.
> (615) 322-2838.
> American Library Association Council

From: Jim Kuhn []
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:23 AM
Cc: Jennifer Dorning; Mary Parker
Subject: [srrtac-l] FW: Draft ALA Labor Resolutions

Hello IF & SRRT colleagues:

You may remember efforts last conference to get sponsorships and support for a "Resolution in support of labor clauses." This resolution was co-sponsored by SRRT and the ALA/AFL-CIO Joint Committee on Library Service to Labor Groups, and endorsed in principle by IFRT and IFC. In the end it was not taken to Council, in the hopes that a longer lead time would allow for more deliberation and a better resolution.

I have worked in recent weeks with Jennifer Dorning, Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Labor Relations (of which I am a former member). See below. Attached you'll find the current versions of new resolutions, which have already had some input from members of the Joint Committee. I am forwarding this to SRRT, IFC, and IFRT to get it on our Midwinter agendas, and to start some discussion about improvements, additions, etc. to the language in the attached.

Although I won't be able to attend SRRT meetings, I'll plan to speak to the issue at IFC and IFRT; and Joint Committee co-chair Jennifer Dorning will be able to attend SRRT. Meanwhile though, we should discuss this electronically. Please send suggestions for changes to me and Jennifer -- or by reply all to the list, of course. Perhaps GLBTRT should be brought in as well? Can someone bring them in? Although I am a member I am not on their listserv.

Thanks in advance for your help and input.


Jim Kuhn

From: Jennifer Dorning []
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 12:07 PM
To: Mary Parker;;;;;;;;;;;
Cc: Jim Kuhn
Subject: Draft ALA Labor Resolutions

Dear AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Members:

Attached are two draft ALA resolutions that were written by Jim Kuhn and myself. The first is a resolution in support of disclosing labor disputes at hotels contracted by the ALA. The second is a resolution in support of labor clauses in hotel contracts entered into by the ALA.

As you may recall from this year’s annual, a similar resolution was drafted and co-sponsored by the AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee on Library Service to Labor Groups and the Social Responsibilities Round Table. This resolution was also endorsed in principal by the Intellectual Freedom Round Table and the Intellectual Freedom Committee. Unfortunately, this resolution was not successful.

Jim Kuhn and I worked together to redrafted the resolution that was put forth at this year’s annual. Changes were made to the June 2010 resolution with the issues and concerns that were raised at annual in mind.

I would first like to get feedback from the Joint Committee as to the language of the resolutions. Are there any thoughts or suggestions for changes, additions, or improvements?

Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Jennifer Dorning



Jennifer Dorning

Researcher and Representative

Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO

815 16th Street, NW

7th Floor

Washington, DC 20006


Phone: 202-638-0320 x114

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